By John Price, Christine O'Bonsawin

BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20
(Un)Settling the Islands: Race, Indigeneity and the Transpacific, co-edited by Christine O’Bonsawin and John Price, showcases a unique collection of articles that explore Indigenous and Asian Canadian histories from Vancouver Island and beyond.
To read the full issue online, visit our OJS site.
In This Issue
By Sanford Williams
Recommendations for Redressing Historical Wrongs against Japanese Canadians in BC (excerpt)
By National Association of Japanese Canadians Community Consultations Report
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 7-10
By Judith Sayers
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 11-13
Relocating Yuquot: The Indigenous Pacific and Transpacific Migrations
By John Price
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 21-44
Vancouver Island and the Transpacific Chinese Diaspora, 1788-1918
By Zhongping Chen
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 45-65
Taraknath Das (1884–1958): British Columbia, and the Anti-Colonial Borderlands
By Neilesh Bose
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 67-88
By Timothy J. Stanley
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 89-113
Whose Land Is It? Rethinking Sovereignty in British Columbia
By John Price, Nick Claxton
The Murakami Women of Saltspring Island
By Brian Smallshaw
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 183-204
The Soyokaze: A Gentle Wind That Weathered the Storm
By Beth Boyce
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 171-182
Lifting the Veil on Nanaimo’s Nikkei Community: From Settlement to Return
By Masako Fukawa
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 151-170
By Margarita James
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 139-150
Working Towards Equity: Disability Rights Activism and Employment in Late Twentieth-Century Canada
By Mario Levesque
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 223-224

The Hundred-Year Trek: A History of Student Life at UBC
By Dale M. McCartney
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 224-225

Assembling Unity: Indigenous Politics, Gender and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs
By Mercedes Peters
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 216-218

Breaching the Peace: the Site C Dam and a Valley’s Stand against Big Hydro
By Zander Albertson
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 220-221

At Home in Nature: A Life of Unknown Mountains and Deep Wilderness
By Andrew Scott
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 210-121

Children of the Kootenays: Memories of Mining Towns
By Duff Sutherland
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 213-214

Suffer the Little Children: Genocide, Indigenous Nations and the Canadian State
By Carling Beninger
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 214-216

At the Bridge: James Teit and an Anthropology of Belonging
By Charles R. Menzies
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 208-209

Dreamers and Designers: The Shaping of West Vancouver
By Peter Hall
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 212-213

On The Line: A History of the British Columbia Labour Movement
By Robin Wylie
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 205-206

Return of the Wolf: Conflict and Coexistence
By K R Jones
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 209-210

Sustenance: Writers from BC and Beyond on the Subject of Food
By Gigi Berardi
BC Studies no. 204 Winter 2019/20 pp. 222-223

Neilesh Bose is associate professor of history and Canada Research Chair of global and comparative history at the University of Victoria. His research and teaching interests include modern South Asian history, the history of religious reform in India, and the history of migration and nationalism. Forthcoming publications include an edited volume about South Asian migrations in the context of globalization as well as a monograph exploring the history of religious reform in nineteenth-century India.
Beth Boyce is the curator and education manager at the Museum at Campbell River. With a bachelor of arts in history from the University of Victoria and a master’s degree in art conservation from Queen’s University, she is every day inspired by the peoples of this coast, and grateful for the opportunity to preserve and share their stories.
Zhongping Chen is professor of Chinese history at the University of Victoria. He has research interests in environmental and socioeconomic history of China during the Little Ice Age (1400–1900), sociopolitical history of late Qing and early Republican China, and the history of the global Chinese diaspora. His publications include dozens of journal articles and four books in Chinese and English, especially the monograph Modern China’s Network Revolution: Chambers of Commerce and Sociopolitical Change in the Early Twentieth Century (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2011). He has been working on a book manuscript, “The Rise, Reform and Revolution of the Transpacific Chinese Diaspora, 1788–1918.”
Nick Claxton’s Indigenous name is XEMŦOLTW̱ and he was born and raised in Saanich (W̱ SÁNEĆ) Territory. He is from the STÁUTW̱ community of the W̱ SÁNEĆ Nation. Nick received his master’s in Indigenous Governance and his doctorate through the Faculty of Education at the University of Victoria. He is an assistant professor in the School of Child and Youth Care at the University of Victoria. His research interests are in the revitalization and resurgence of Indigenous land-based knowledge in Indigenous youth. He teaches through experiential and land-based learning, and likes to be out on the lands and waters of his territory.
Masako Fukawa is a retired school administrator and teacher, as well as a writer and editor specializing in the story of Japanese Canadians. Fukawa co-authored the award-winning Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet (Harbour Publishing, 2010), written with her husband Stanley Fukawa, and a book for young readers, Righting Canada’s Wrong: Japanese Canadian Interment in the Second World War (James Lorimer, 2011), written with Pamela Hickman. Fukawa is also the author and editor of collected materials, teacher resources, and websites on related topics, most recently contributing to Witness to Loss (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017), edited by Jordan Stanger-Ross and Pamela Sugiman. Masako Fukawa lives in Burnaby, BC.
Margarita James is a long-time resident of Tsaxana, near Gold River on Vancouver Island, BC. She enjoys family, food, and the history of the area.
Christine O’Bonsawin (Abenaki, Odanak Nation) is an associate professor of Indigenous studies and history at the University of Victoria. Her scholarship in Indigenous studies and sport history takes up questions regarding the appropriation and subjugation of Indigenous peoples, identities, and cultures in Olympic history. Christine’s recent scholarship has mainly focused on the legal and political rights of Indigenous peoples in settler colonial Canada, particularly in hosting the Olympic Games on treaty lands as well as unceded Indigenous territories. She is a co-editor and contributor for the Journal of Sport History Special Edition: Indigenous Resurgence, Regeneration, and Decolonization through Sport History (2019) and Intersections and Intersectionalities in Olympic and Paralympic Studies (2014).
John Price is professor emeritus at the University of Victoria where he taught Japanese, Asian Canadian, and Pacific history for twenty-one years. He is the director of the SSHRC-funded project “Asian Canadians on Vancouver Island: Race, Indigeneity and the Transpacific,” the author of Orienting Canada: Race, Indigeneity and the Transpacific (UBC Press, 2011), and A Woman in Between: Searching for Dr. Victoria Chung ((Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia, 2019), co-authored with Ningping Yu.
Brian Smallshaw is a historian specializing in Japanese Canadian history. He studied and lived for many years in Japan, editing a trade publication for the Japanese government and importing computer networking equipment. He has a master’s degree in history from the University of Victoria and a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Regina and Sophia University in Tokyo. He lives on Saltspring Island, BC.
Timothy J. Stanley is professor emeritus in the Faculties of Education and Arts of the University of Ottawa. His award-winning historical research, including his 2011 book Contesting White Supremacy: School Segregation, Anti-Racism and the Making of Chinese Canadians (UBC Press), focuses on racism and Chinese Canadian experience, with a special emphasis on the City of Victoria. His current research examines links between historical remembering and contemporary racisms.
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