ARCHIVE MATTERS – Northern BC Rail Transportation: From Backlog to Foreground
December 12, 2017
By Ramona Rose and Erica Hernandez-Read Northern BC Archives, Geoffrey R. Weller Library, University of Northern British Columbia Most...
Showing 3 Results
ARCHIVE MATTERS – Northern BC Rail Transportation: From Backlog to Foreground
December 12, 2017
By Ramona Rose and Erica Hernandez-Read Northern BC Archives, Geoffrey R. Weller Library, University of Northern British Columbia Most...
ARCHIVE MATTERS: Archives in a Digital World
September 5, 2017
By Angie Bain, Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs, Lower Nicola Indian Band In our fast-paced world where we...
January 6, 2017
By Angie Bain, Lower Nicola Indian Band My latest archival journey began with a simple question: Can I get...
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