The Potlatch Papers, a Colonial Case History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997. 225 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books colonialism history Indigenous law
Results (11937)
The Potlatch Papers, a Colonial Case History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997. 225 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books colonialism history Indigenous law
“Class Structures and Class Conflicts in 'Instant' Resource Towns in British Columbia - 1965 to 1972,” BC Studies 37 (1978): 3-18,
“Are Enhanced Trade and Enhanced Security Mutually Exclusive? The Western Canada-U.S. Borderland in a Post-9/11 World,” American Review of Canadian Studies 38, no. 3 (2008): 317-340.
Prophetic Identities: Indigenous Missionaries on British Colonial Frontiers, 1850-75. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2012. 236 pp. 9780774822794 (hc); 9780774822817 (pdf); 9780774822824 (epub).
Books and Chapters in Books history Indigenous settler colonialism
“‘Lucerne No Longer Has an Excuse to Exist’: Mobility, Settlement Abandonment, and Park Aesthetics in the Yellowhead Pass,” BC Studies 189 (2016): 59-77,
“Behind the Scenery: Manning Park and the Aesthetics of Automobile Accessibility in 1950's British Columbia,” BC Studies 170 (2011): 41-65,
“Photo Essay - Photographing the High and the Low in British Columbia's Provincial Parks,” BC Studies 170 (2011): 153-169,
British Columbia by the Road: Car Culture and the Making of a Modern Landscape. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017. 400 pp. 9780774834186.
“A Questionable Basis for Establishing a Major Park’: Politics, Roads, and the Failure of a National Park in British Columbia’s Big Bend Country.” In A Century of Parks Canada, 1911-2011. Edited by Clair Campbell, 79-102. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2011. 9781552385265 (pbk).
“By the Road: Fordism, Automobility, and Landscape Experience in the British Columbia Interior, 1920-1970.” PhD. Queen's University, 2012.
“The David Thompson Memorial Fort: An Early Outpost of Historically Themed Tourism in Western Canada,” Histoire sociale/Social History 49, no. 99 (2016): 409-429.
“Between Orchard and Highway: Roadside Produce Stands as Rural Artifact and Enterprise,” Material Culture Review 82-83 (2016): 1-25.
“A Bibliography of the Arts and Crafts of Northwest Coast Indians,” BC Studies 25 (1975): 78-124,
“Indian Music of the Pacific Northwest: An Annotated Bibliography of Research,” BC Studies 31 (1976): 12-22,
“The Vision First Check Program in British Columbia,” Canadian Journal of Public Health 91 252-255.
“Seaspawn and Seawrack: Jack Hodgins’s First Books: A Review Essay,” BC Studies 180 (2014): 155-164,
“Canadian Literature on the Pacific Coast.” In Canadian Literature on the Pacific CoastThe Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature (Part IV: Intra-national Perspectives and Traditions). (Part IV: Intra-national Perspectives and Traditions), New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015. 709-24 pp.
“Remembering Offence: Robert Bringhurst and the Ethical Challenge of Cultural Appropriation,” University of Toronto Quarterly 76, no. 3 (2007): 890-912.
We Go Far Back in Time: The Letters of Earle Birney and Al Purdy, 1947-1984.. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2013. 480 pp. 9781550176100 (hc).
“Canadian Energy Policy: Some Economic Questions,” BC Studies 13 (1972): 110-120,
Journal Articles economics/business energy political science
“Sex Differences in Nest Visitation By Chick-Rearing Marbled Murrelets,” Condor 104, no. 1 (2002): 178-183,
“Questioning the Credibility and Capacity of Community-Based Resource Management,” Canadian Geographer 47, no. 2 (2003): 137-50.
Journal Articles environmental studies forestry geography Indigenous
“Archaeological Investigations at Siwash-Bridge — FaRv3,” The Midden 35, no. 2 (2003): 4-8,
“How a Ranch Began,” British Columbia History 2, no. 46 (2013): 26-28.
Journeywoman: Swinging a Hammer in a Man’s World. Halfmoon Bay: Caitlin Press, 2012. 288 pp. 9781894759878 (pbk).
“The taking of the ship Boston: an ethnohistoric study of Nootkan - European conflict,” Syesis 5 (1972): 259-266.
“Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Refugee Settlement and Religion in British Columbia,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 4, no. 82 (2014): 907-37.
The Secret Lives of Saints: Child Brides and Lost Boys in Canada’s Polygamous Mormon Sect. Toronto: Random House Canada, 2008. 464 pp. 978030735581.
“Celebrating Education: 'A Miserable, Cold, and Draughty School',” British Columbia Historical News 35, no. 2 (2002): 37-38,
“What’s New at Rare Books and Special Collections at the UBC Library,” British Columbia History 39, no. 4 (2006): 31-32.
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