A Hundred Years a Million Stories, 1894-1994, Exhibition. Vancouver: Vancouver Museum, 1994. 9 pp.
Grey Literature history Post-Confederation Pre-Confederation
Results (11937)
A Hundred Years a Million Stories, 1894-1994, Exhibition. Vancouver: Vancouver Museum, 1994. 9 pp.
Grey Literature history Post-Confederation Pre-Confederation
“Friendly Societies in Nanaimo: The British Traditions of Self-Help in a Canadian Coal-Mining Community,” BC Studies 118 (1998): 67-92, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1799/1844.
Boss Whistle: The Coal Miners of Vancouver Island Remember. Rev. ed, Nanaimo: Nanaimo and District Museum Society and Rocky Point Books, 2002. 719 pp. 0969740719.
Robert Dunsmuir: Laird of the Mines. Montreal: XYR Editeurs, 1999. 177 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books biography history Post-Confederation Pre-Confederation
Those Island People. Nanaimo, BC: Nanaimo and District Museum Society and Rocky Point Books, 2014. 118 pp.
“Squaring Up: Experiences of Transition from Off-Street Sex Work to Square Work and Duality - Concurrent Involvement in Both - in Vancouver, BC,” The Canadian Review of Sociology 4, no. 52 (2015): 429-49.
“Goat Range, Unwrapping a New Park,” Beautiful British Columbia 40, no. 1 (1998): 26-35.
“Home Away: A Thematic Study of Some British Columbia Novels,” BC Studies 62 (1984): 9-28, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1183/1227.
A Magpie Life: Growing a Writer. Toronto: Key Porter, 2001. 224 pp. 1442633489.
Books and Chapters in Books biography history literature Post-Confederation
Soft Zipper: Objects, Food, Rooms. Vancouver: New Star Books, 2021. 978-1-55420-172-3.
Words, Words, Words: Essays and Memoirs. Vancouver: New Star, 2012. 232 pp.
“Adapting Our Perspective: Applying Indigenous Knowledge to Climate Resilience Planning in BC.” M.P.P.. Simon Fraser University, 2021.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects climate change environmental studies Indigenous
“Assessing the Impact of Proposed Bank Mergers on Rural Communities: A Case Study of British Columbia,” Social Indicators Research 51, no. 1 17-40, https://www.jstor.org/stable/27522471.
Resource Communities in a Globalizing Region: Development, Agency, and Contestation in Northern British Columbia. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015. 312 pp. 9780774830935.
The Answer Is Still No: Voices of Pipeline Resistance. Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing, 2014. 156 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books energy environmental studies Indigenous pipelines political science
The Lost Coast: Salmon, Memory and the Death of Wild Culture. Madeira Park: Nightwood Editions, 2007. 255 pp. 9780889712119.
“Our Economy Walks on the Land’: Secwepemc Resistance and Resilience After the Imperial Metals Mt. Polley Tailings Storage Facility Breach,” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 1, no. 44 (2017): 25–35, https://doi.org/10.1353/crc.2017.0001.
Journal Articles economics/business environmental studies Indigenous
Klondike of the Skeena!. Prince Rupert: the author, 1982. 176 pp.
Land of liquid sunshine. Prince Rupert, BC: the author, 1982. 240 pp.
Matlakahtla, the holy city. Prince Rupert: 1983. 160 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books biography colonialism history Indigenous religion
Road, rail and river!. Prince Rupert, BC: the author, 1981. 144 pp.
Second World War Memories!. Prince Rupert: The Author, 1987. 84 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books history memoir Post-Confederation
The city of rainbows [Prince Rupert]. Prince Rupert, BC: [the author], 1982. 280 pp.
“The Very Beginning of Prince Rupert,” British Columbia Historical News 26, no. 4 (1993): 25-27, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0190762.
“The Mountain Pine Beetle Chronicles: A Bioregional Literary Study of the Anomalous Mountain Pine Beetle and the Lodgepole Pine Forests in the Northern Interior of British Columbia.” PhD. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, 2014.
“Historic Archaeology at the Royal British Columbia Museum,” The Midden 2, no. 49 (2019): 21-24, http://www.asbc.bc.ca/the-midden/.
“Bringing the city to the country? Responsibility, privilege and urban agrarianism in Metro Vancouver,” The Journal of Peasant Studies (2020): https://doi.org/10.1080/03066150.2020.1803842.
Journal Articles colonialism environmental studies sociology
“Madeline Izowsky, 1885-1979: A Polish Woman in Western Canada.” MA. University of Northern British Columbia, 2003. https://doi.org/10.24124/2003/bpgub272.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects biography gender history Post-Confederation
Savage Gods, Silver Ghosts: In the Wild with Ted Hughes. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 2009. 208 pp. 9781553653233.
Books and Chapters in Books biography environmental studies literature memoir
“The Soyokaze: A Gentle Wind That Weathered the Storm,” BC Studies 204 (2020): 171-182, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/191497/189032.
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