Naked in Academe: Celebrating 50 Years of Creative Writing at UBC. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2014. 300 pp.
Results (11937)
Surrey Story. Rev. ed, Surrey: Surrey Historical Society, 1992. 232 pp.
The Surrey story today, v. 3 (1940-1971). Surrey: Surrey Museum & Historical Socity, 1972. 48 pp.
“Family Law Reform in (Neoliberal) Context: British Columbia's New Family Law Act,” International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 28 (2014): 77-99,
“The Lives Behind the Mesoamerican Archaeology Collection at the Museum of Vancouver,” Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals (2021): 1.5501906209878E+14,
Journal Articles archaeology history Indigenous museology Post-Confederation
“Binners in Vancouver: A Socio-Economic Study on Binners and Their Traplines in Downtown Eastside.” MA. University of Victoria, 2007.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects downtown eastside
“Active-ating parents on school travel: Reducing car dependency for youth in Metro Vancouver.” MPP, Simon Fraser University, 2020.
“Active-ating parents on school travel: Reducing car dependency for youth in Metro Vancouver.” M.P.P.. Simon Fraser University, 2020.
In Our Backyard, a Greater Vancouver Environmental Guide. Vancouver: Whitecap Books, 1992. 120 pp.
“Alcohol Outlet Densities and Alcohol Price: The British Columbia Experiment in the Partial Privatization of Alcohol Sales Off-Premise,” Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research 5, no. 37 (2013): 854-59.
“Bilingualisme et Multiculturalisme dans les Classes d'Immersion à Vancouver,” Etudes canadiens/ Canadian Studies 45 (1998): 239-47.
Brisco Spellemacheen: A History. Brisco Hospital Aid, 1998. 427 pp.
“Native Residential Schooling in Canada: A` Review of the Literature,” Canadian Journal of Native Studies 18, no. 1 (1998): 49-86,
“Storying Swílcha: Place-making and Power at a Stó:lõ Landmark,” BC Studies 190 (2016): 15-38,
The mining advance into the inland empire. Fairfield, Wash: Ye Galleon Press, 1972. 254 pp.
“Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Interrelation of Urban and Forest Sectors in Reclaiming One Hectare of Land in the Pacific Northwest,” Environmental Science & Technology 13, no. 47 (2013): 7250-59.
Chainsaws in the Cathedral: Collected Woods Poems. Victoria: Ekstasis Editions, 1999. 160 pp.
“B.C. whaling: the white men,” Raincoast Chronicles 1, no. 3 (1972): 41-46.
“From the hill to the spill,” Raincoast Chronicles 1, no. 3 (1973): 4-15.
“Sojourn at junkee log,” Raincoast Chronicles 1, no. 3 (1973): 46-53.
“Chala-oo-chick: The First Fort George,” BC History 39, no. 2 (2005): 19-20,
Svend Robinson: A Life in Politics. Vancouver, BC: New Star Publishing, 2013. 320 pp. 9781554200726.
Books and Chapters in Books biography history political science
A Crash Course on Queer Youth Realities. 2nd ed, Pitt Meadows: Youthquest! Lesbian and Gay Youth Society of British Columbia, 2001.
Second Chance in Canada. Kelowna: Webb Publishing, 2014. 116 pp.
Free Spirit: Stories of You, Me and BC. Victoria: Royal BC Museum, 2008. 166 pp. 9780772658708.
“360 Riot Walk” (2019)
White Riot: The 1907 Anti-Asian Riots in Vancouver. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2023.
Books and Chapters in Books Chinese history Japanese Post-Confederation race and racism
““Fraught” Chineseness: “Chinese Christians” in the Vancouver Sun.” In Ecclesial Diversity in Chinese Christianity. Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue, Cham, CH: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. 183-207 pp. 978-3-030-73069-7.
Books and Chapters in Books Chinese race and racism religion
Hishok-Tsehaht Whaling: One with the Whale Spirit. Port Alberni, BC: ALW Publishing, 2015. 54 pp. 9871312916074.
Being Ts’elxwéyeqw. First Peoples’ Voices and History from the Chilliwack-Fraser Valley, British Columbia. edited by David M. Schaepe, Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2017. 304 pp. 9781550178180 (hc).