““Out” in the Countryside: Gay Tourist Perspectives on Rural Travel in British Columbia, Canada,” 3, no. 16 (2021): 84-107, https://journals.brandonu.ca/jrcd/article/view/2052.
Results (11937)
“The Development of Small Inclusive Rural Destinations for Gay Tourists in Canada.” In Adventures in small tourism: studies and stories. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2023. 33-59 pp. 978-1-77385-477-9.
“Equality by Mail: Correspondence Education in British Columbia, 1919 to 1969.” MA. University of Victoria, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1828/373.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects education history Post-Confederation
“Ending the Search for the Mythical Passage of Admiral Fonte: The 1792 Voyage of Jacinto Caamano,” BC Studies 117 (1998): 5-26, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1805/1850.
“The Other Side of the Coin: The Viceroy, Bodega y Quadra, Vancouver, and the Nootka Crisis,” BC Studies 93 (1992): 3-29, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1417/1461.
At the Far Reaches of Empire : The Life of Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2009. 496 pp. 9780774813679.
“Chief Maquinna and Bodega Y Quadra,” British Columbia Historical News 34, no. 4 (2001): 8-14, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0190718.
Before the Road Came. Port Coquitlam: Bookus Press, 2004. 154 pp. 097357500X.
Books and Chapters in Books history memoir Post-Confederation
The North West Company: Frontier Merchants. Toronto: Umbrella, 1999. 120 pp.
“Chief Leonard George Reflects on a Lifetime of Accomplishment,” Arts Alive 3, no. 4 (1997): 6-7.
“Pollen and Macro-Fossil Assemblages in Disturbed Urban Wetlands on South Vancouver Island Reveal Recent Invasion of Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) and Guide Restoration,” Restoration Ecology 21, no. 1 (2013): 114-23.
Rebecca Belmore: The Named and the Unnamed. Vancouver: Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, 2003. 61 pp. 888656289.
“Circulating Aboriginality,” Journal of Material Culture 9, no. 2 (2004): 183-202, https://doi.org/10.1177/135918350404437.
“News from the Northwest,” Canadian Art 10, no. 2 (1993): 46-51.
Native Art of the Northwest Coast: A History of Changing Ideas.. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013. 1,120 pp. 9780774820493 (hc).
Art Inspired by the Canadian Rockies, Purcell Mountains and Selkirk Mountains 1809-2012.. Calgary: Bayeaux Arts, 2013. 250 pp. 9781897411377(pbk).
“The Chinese Population in the Nicola Valley,” Nicola Valley Historical Quarterly 31, no. 1 (1999): 3-13.
Vancouver Tree Book: A Living City Field Guide. Vancouver: Pure Wave Media, 2016. 240 pp.
Gorman Bros.: From Boxes to Boards. Vernon: Printed by Wayside Press, 2001. 137 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books forestry history Post-Confederation
The Mackenzie story: a study in the history and development of a forest industry and town at Mackenzie, British Columbia. prepared for Citizens Committee of Mackenzie, British Columbia, Vancouver: Vancouver Citizens Committee, 1974. 62 pp.
“Trek to Mason Creek,” Canadian West 9, no. 2 (1993): 63-71.
Tragedies of the Crowsnest Pass. Surrey: Frontier Books, 1983. 96 pp. 978-0919214583.
Trail of Memories: Trail, BC 1895-1945. Trail: Trail History and Heritage Committee, 1997. 679 pp.
Whistle Posts West: Railway Tales from British Columbia, Albert, and Yukon. Vancouver: Heritage House, 2015. 192 pp. 9781772030433.
Making Noise: Northern Women, Caring and In/visible Dis/abilities. Prince George: UNBC Press, 2007. 231 pp. 9781896315249.
“Meaning Making & Methodological Explorations: Bringing Knowledge From British Columbia's First Nations Women Poets Into Social Work Courses,” Cultural Studies = Critical Methodologies 5, no. 1 (2005): 3-29, https://doi.org/10.1177/1532708604268484.
Journal Articles education gender Indigenous literature social work
“Transversing Settler Colonial Capital: Indigenous Dispossession and Non-White Labour Exploitation,” BC Studies no. 210 (2021): 73-99, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/192525/191213.
“Historical Origins and Collective Memory in British Columbia’s Community-Based Museums, 1925-1975.” MA. University of Victoria, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/1828/7407.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects history museology Post-Confederation
“Treasury Board Secretariat Shows Manitoba Roots,” British Columbia Politics & Policy 6, no. 6 (1992): 6-7, 10.
“Treasury Unique Government Department — It Makes Money!,” British Columbia Politics & Policy 2, no. 5 (1988): 7-8, 10.