“Two Cowichan Valley Women,” British Columbia Historical News 21, no. 4 (1988): 12-15, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0190569.
Journal Articles biography gender history Post-Confederation Pre-Confederation
Results (11937)
“Two Cowichan Valley Women,” British Columbia Historical News 21, no. 4 (1988): 12-15, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0190569.
Journal Articles biography gender history Post-Confederation Pre-Confederation
“Fraser River Placer Mining Landscapes,” BC Studies 160 (2008): 35-66, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/568/1955.
“Treaty Negotiation in British Columbia, Canada: Oral History and Its Use As Evidence in Court.” MA. California State University, Dominguez Hills, 2005.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects history Indigenous law
The report based on the survey of the hard-of-hearing. as conducted by members of Project Audio-Feedback in the Greater Vancouver area during the summer of 1974, and submitted to Dr. John H. Gilbert, a member of Task Force on the Needs of the Communicatively Impaired in British Columbia: sponsored by the federal government Opportunities for Youth Program, Vancouver: Western Institute for the Deaf, 1974. 34 pp.
Vancouver — fight for it or lose it! An insider looks at the attempt to take over the city. Alisa Publishing, 1982. 119 pp.
“Politics of Municipal Property Taxes: Implications for Decision Making,” Canadian Public Administration 48, no. 2 (2005): 207-230.
“You're Making Our City Look Bad': Olympic Security, Neoliberal Urbanization, and Homeless Youth,” Ethnography 1, no. 16 (2015): 3-24.
“Skilay: Portrait of a Haida Artist and Leader.” In Living Indigenous Leadership: Native Narratives on Building Strong Communities. Edited by Carolyn Kenny and Tina Ngaroimata Fraser, 84-95. Vancouver: Uniersity of British Columbia Press, 2012. 9780774823463 (hc).
Books and Chapters in Books biography Indigenous visual arts
“In Transition: The Women's House Saving Action,” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 30, no. 3 (1993): 359-76.
“Constitutional Rights at the Kitchen Table: British Columbia Francophones and the Making of a Minority-Language Educational System,” Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation 2, no. 32 (2020): 148-171, https://historicalstudiesineducation.ca/index.php/edu_hse-rhe/article/view/4841.
“Forgotten Pasts and Contested Futures in Vancouver,” British Journal of Canadian Studies 2, no. 29 (2016): 175-97.
“Deep Creek site,” Midden 5, no. 1 (1973): 12-16, https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/midden/article/view/16917.
“Indigenous Health Equity as a Priority in British Columbia’s Public Health System: A Pilot Case Study.” MPH. University of Victoria, 2018. https://dspace.library.uvic.ca//handle/1828/8502.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects health sciences Indigenous
The Recorded History of the Liard Basin 1790-1910: Where British Columbia Joins the Yukon and N.W.T.. Fort Nelson, BC: Fort Nelson News, 2016. 519 pp. 9781771364140.
“The McLean Gang,” British Columbia Historical News 31, no. 2 (1998): 6-10, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0190617.
Cedar Poles and Iron Peevees: Pole Logging in the Kitsumkalum Valley. Terrace, BC: Terrace Regional Historical Society, 2015. 27 pp.
Seize the Time: Vancouver Photographed 1967-1974. Vancouver, BC: New Star Books, 2013. 120 pp. 9781554200740.
“Leave a Legacy British Columbia: What Do I and Why Should I Care?,” The Advocate 57, no. 3 (1999): 411-18.
“An Early History of Aviation in Vernon and Area,” Okanagan History 56th Report of the Okanagan Historical Society (1992): 34-40, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0132229.
“Two Precious Seconds,” Okanagan History 56th Report of the Okanagan Historical Society (1992): 81-82, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0132229.
“Some basic observations concerning the architecture of the Chinese in B.C.,” Datum 3, no. 2 (1978): 8-11.
A Season to Remember: The Vancouver Canucks’ Incredible 40th Year. Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing, 2011. 231 pp. 9781550175646 (pbk).
“Sour grapes: Mitigating the risk of overtourism in British Columbia’s eno-tourism.” MPP, Simon Fraser University, 2020. http://summit.sfu.ca/item/20130.
“Sour grapes: Mitigating the risk of overtourism in British Columbia’s eno-tourism.” M.P.P.. Simon Fraser University, 2020. http://summit.sfu.ca/item/20130.
“Harm Reduction By a ‘User-Run’ Organization: A Case Study of the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (vandu),” International Journal of Drug Policy 17, no. 2 (2006): 61-69.
“25-years of stewardship programs enhance regenerative outcomes in river delta soils of southwestern British Columbia, Canada,” Geoderma no. 443 (2024): 116808, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016706124000375 ; http://10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116808 .
Journal Articles environmental studies resource and environmental management
The BC Atlas of Child Development. Canadian Western Geographical Series, no. 40, Victoria: Western Geographical Press, 2005. 166 pp. http://earlylearning.ubc.ca/media/publications/bcatlasofchilddevelopment_cd_22-01-06.pdf.
Books and Chapters in Books education geography young people
The North Bentinck Arm route: Lt. Palmer's trail of 1862. Kelowna, BC: Okanagan College, 1981. 56 pp.
“The Janet Smith Bill of 1924 and the Language of Race and Nation in British Columbia,” BC Studies 121 (1999): 83-114, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1488/1530.
“Doctrine and Design: Two Islamic Centres in Burnaby, Canada,” BC Studies 198 (2018): 37-80, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/189469/187052.
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