We acknowledge that we live and work on unceded Indigenous territories and we thank the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations for their hospitality.


Results (11937)

Giesbrecht, Vern. “North Pacific Cannery Gets New Life as Heritage Site Museum,” British Columbia History 3, no. 49 (2016): 29-37.

Journal Articles history

Giesbrecht, Vern. “Sasquatch Hunters: BC's Rene Dahinden and John Green,” British Columbia History 3, no. 48 (2015): 31-38.

Journal Articles biography history

Gilani, Haris R., Robert A. Kozak, and John L.Innes. “A Change Management Model for the Adoption of Chain of Custody Certification in the British Columbia Value-added Wood Products Sector,” Journal of Change Management 3, no. 18 (2018): 240-256.

Journal Articles forestry

Gilani, Haris R., Robert A. Kozak, and John L.Innes. “Chain of Custody Certification Involvement by the British Columbia Value-Added Wood Products Sector,” European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 3, no. 76 (2018): 1061-1069.

Journal Articles environmental studies

Gilbert, Leslie. “Refurbishing a Theatre and Revitalizing a Downtown Core,” Performing Arts in Canada 31, no. 2 (1997): 20-21.

Journal Articles visual arts

Gilbert, Mark, Darlene Taylor, Warren Michelow, Daniel Grace, Robert Balshaw, Michael Kwag, Elgin Lim, Benedikt Fischer, David Patrick, Gina Ogilvie, Daniel Coombs, Malcolm Steinberg, and Michael Rekart. “Sustained Reduction in Sexual Behavior that May Pose a Risk of HIV Transmission Following Diagnosis During Early HIV Infection Among Gay Men in Vancouver, British Columbia,” Aids and Behavior 7, no. 22 (2018): 2068-2078.

Journal Articles health sciences HIV/AIDS LGBTQ+

Gilbert, Mark, Dawar Meenakshi, and Rosemary Armour. “Fire-Related Deaths Among Aboriginal People in British Columbia, 1991-2001,” Canadian Journal of Public Health 97, no. 4 (2006): 300-304.

Journal Articles health sciences Indigenous

Giles, Jack. The Splendour of the Law: Allan McEachern, a Tribute to a Life in the Law; An Anthology of Essays. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2001. 206 pp. 1550023748.

Books and Chapters in Books biography law

Gilkast, Gerald W. “The Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators - A Perspective from British Columbia,” The Advocate 57, no. 3 (1999): 677-87.

Journal Articles law

Gilker, Gerry, Jack Lowe, and Geraldine Wray. Whispers From the Shedrows: A History of Thoroughbred Racing in Richmond. Richmond: City of Richmond Archives, 2001. 106 pp. 0969003145.

Books and Chapters in Books history

Gill, Alison. “From Growth Machine to Growth Management: The Dynamics of Resort Development in Whistler, British Columbia,” Environment and Planning 32 1083-1103.

Journal Articles planning tourism

Gill, Hartej, and Graeme Chalmers. “Documenting Diversity: An Early Portrait of a Collaborative Teacher Education Initiative,” International Journal of Inclusive Education II, no. 5-6 (2007): 551-570.

Journal Articles cultural minorities education