“British Columbia Marine Fisheries Catch Reconstruction: 1873 to 2011,” BC Studies 188 (2016): 81-89, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/186115/185700.
Results (11937)
Steamboating on the Columbia River: The Pioneer Journal of Captain J. C. Ainsworth. n.p.: s.n., 53 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books history memoir Pre-Confederation
“Selected Topics in Nootka and Tubatulabal Phonology.” PhD. City University of New York, 2003.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects Indigenous language
Air Quality Report for British Columbia: Ground-Level Ozone Concentration (1986-1997). Victoria: British Columbia Air Resources Branch, 1998. 107 pp. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/air-land-water/air/reports-pub/ozone.pdf.
Deadly Fumes: British Columbia Workplace Death Toll Attributable to Secondhand Smoke, 1989 to 1998: A Report. Burnaby: Airspace Action on Smoking and Health, 2001. 12 pp.
“Sooke Region Museum,” British Columbia Genealogist 12, no. 4 (1983): 102-04.
“Nest-Site Reuse Patterns for a Cavity-Nesting Bird Community in Interior British Columbia,” Auk 119 (2002): 391-402.
“Rebel or Revolutionary? Jack Kavanagh and the Early Years of the Communist Movement in Vancouver 1920-1925,” Labour/Le travail 30 (1992): 9-44.
Journal Articles history political science Post-Confederation
“The Rule Against Hearsay, Indigenous Claims and Story-Telling as Testimony in Canadian Courts,” American Indian Law Journal 2, no. 10 (2022): 142-169, https://digitalcommons.law.seattleu.edu/ailj/vol10/iss2/2.
“The Fraser River Gold Rush,” Burnaby Historical Society (1981): 29-38.
1001 British Columbia place names. 3d ed, Vancouver: Discovery Press, 1973. 195 pp.
“The use of maps in the study of place names,” Association of Canadian Map Libraries Bulletin no. 47 (1983): 18-25.
H.M.S. Virago in the Pacific, 1851-1855. To The Queen Charlotte Islands and Beyond. Victoria: Sono Nis Press, 1992. 209 pp.
“The Cowichan Settlers of 1862,” British Columbia Historical News 26, no. 3 (1993): 33-36, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0190644.
“Building Healthcare Navigation Skills Through a Health Literacy Program for Immigrants in Rural British Columbia.” University of British Columbia, 2023. https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1.0423618.
The Stikine River. Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society, 1979. 96 pp.
“Pbde Flame Retardants and pcbs in Migrating Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada,” Chemosphere 7, no. 88 (2012): 855-64.
“Urban is the New Rural: An Exploratory Investigation of Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture in Vancouver, BC.” MSc. University of Guelph, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/10214/26443.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects environmental studies
Place names of the Alberni Valley. Port Alberni, Society: 1978. 84 pp.
Pick, pan and pack — a history of mining in the Alberni Valley. Alberni: Museum, 1976. 80 pp.
“Implementation of Land and Resource Management Plans in British Columbia: The Kamloops Experience.” MRM. Simon Fraser University, 2005. http://summit.sfu.ca/item/2297.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects environmental studies resource and environmental management
“Challenging the Family Wage Ideal: Understanding the Changes to Child Employment Standards in British Columbia.” MA. Simon Fraser University, 2006.
“Role and Status of the Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences in Pharmacy Education: A Case Study of the UBC BSc (Pharm) Program.” PhD. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2014.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects education health sciences
“Quality of Life, Firm Productivity, and the Value of Amenities across Canadian Cities,” The Canadian Journal of Economics 2, no. 46 (2013): 379-411.
Midden 16, no. 2 (1984): 2-6, https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/midden/issue/view/1117.
Paul Kane, frontier artist and Indian painter. Wenatchee: Daily World Press, 1971. 14 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books biography Indigenous visual arts
“Contemporary Native Art II: A Bibliography,” American Indian Quarterly 1, no. 1/2 (1998): 98-103.
The Place Between. Aldergrove: The Society, 1993. 640 pp.
“The Building of an Archives, the Building of a School,” British Columbia History 3, no. 50 (2017): 35–37.