Uprooted Again: Japanese Canadians Move to Japan after World War II. Victoria, BC: Ti-Jean Press, 2012. 172 pp.
Results (11937)
The Tree Trunk Can Be My Pillow. The Biography of an Outstanding Japanese Canadian. Victoria: University of Victoria, 2017. 252 pp. 9781550586121 (pbk).
Mouat’s: The First Hundred Years. Salt Spring Island: Mouat's Trading Company, 2006. 64 pp. 0973999004.
Salt Spring: The Story of an Island. Madiera Park: Harbour Publishing, 1998. 344 pp.
Salt Spring: The Story of an Island. Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing, 2001. 344 pp. 155017262X.
Books and Chapters in Books history Post-Confederation Pre-Confederation
Forgotten Cusheon Cove, Salt Spring Island. Salt Spring Island: Salt Spring Press, 2007. 53 pp. 978097399013.
Conrad Kain: Letters from a Wandering Mountain Guide, 1906-1933. ed. by Zac Robinson, Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press, 2014. 472 pp. 9781772120042 (pbk).
“Kairos Calls on BC Government to Abandon Referendum Decision,” Presbyterian Record 126, no. 8 (2002): 34.
“Provoking Points of Convergence: Museum and University Collaborating and Co-evolving,” International Journal of Art and Design Education 26, no. 2 (2007): 199-205.
“Prince Rupert: Those Who Invest and Develop Find Tremendous Reward,” Trade & Commerce 92, no. 2 (2000): B44-B49.
Exploring Vancouver 2: Ten tours of the city and its buildings. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1978. 286 pp.
Exploring Vancouver: The Essential Architecture Guide. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1993. 294 pp.
“Testing Alternative Theories of Agenda Setting: Forest Policy Change in British Columbia, Canada,” Policy Studies Journal 28 176-189.
40 Years and Counting: A Visual History of Forty Years of the Vancouver Folk Music Festival. Vancouver: Jeannie Kamins, 2017. 84 pp. 9780995958814(hc);9780995958807(pbk).
Pleasant Street Cemetery: Records and Monumental Inspiration. Rev. ed, Kamloops: The Society, 1998.
Historic St. Joseph's. Kamloops: The Band, 6 pp.
“Policies for the Reduction of Slash Pile Burning in BC Forests.” MPP. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, 2013.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects environmental studies forestry
“Inhaled pollutants from indoor residential places, and their relationship with lung function and respiratory symptoms in First Nations members living in remote and rural communities of British Columbia.” University of British Columbia, 2022. https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0413676.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects health sciences Indigenous
Sharing Our Knowledge: The Tlingit and Their Coastal Neighbors. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2015. 544 pp.
25 Years Vancouver Opera Guild. Vancouver: Vancouver Opera Guild, 2005. 42 pp.
Kanada Okinawa-Ken Yuaika Soritsu 25-Shunen Kinenshi = 25th Anniversary Commemoration of the Canadian Okinawa-Ken Yuaikai. Burnaby: Vancouver Okinawa-Ken Yuaikai, 2002. 172 pp.
“The Role of South Asian Family Culture in South Asian Gang Involvement.” Simon Fraser University, 2023.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects criminology South Asian people
Summer of the Horse. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2018. 224 pp. 9781550178197 (pbk).
“Skaay on the Cosmos,” Canadian Literature no. 188 (2006): 11-29.
“Temporal patterns in Pacific white-sided dolphin pulsed calls at Barkley Canyon, with implications for multiple populations.” MSc. University of Victoria, 2018.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects environmental studies
“London, Vancouver and PyeongChang Olympics: A Comparison of Volunteer Motivations.” In The Routledge Handbook of Volunteering in Events, Sport and Tourism. Kirsten Holmes, Leonie Lockstone-Binney, Karen A. Smith, and Richard Shipway, 174-189. New York: Routledge, 2022. 544 pp. 9780367815875.
“Sadhee sehayth (our health) project : health inequity in Canada’s universal healthcare system through the experiences of the Punjabi Sikh Diaspora living with cardiovascular disease.” University of British Columbia, 2022. https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1.0422495.
Contours: Extended Painting in the Pacific Northwest. Victoria: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 2001. 688851960.
Church of Christ the King Parish. Oliver, B.C.: 1986. 36 pp.
“The unforgotten years': a tribute to Major Hugh Porteous,” Okanagan history: report of the Okanagan Historical Society 50 (1986): 116-19, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0132221.