On the Street Where You Live. Vol. 3, Sailors, Solicitors, and Stargazers of Early Victoria, Surrey: Heritage House, 2001. 116 pp. 1894384318.
Results (11937)
On the Street Where You Live: Pioneer Pathways of Early Victoria. Surrey: Heritage, 1999. 190 pp.
On the Street Where You Live: Victoria's Early Roads and Railways. Surrey: Heritage House, 1894384091.
Books and Chapters in Books history Post-Confederation Pre-Confederation
“The Honourable Thomas Basil Humphreys: A Controversial Contributor to Change in Early British Columbia Politics,” British Columbia Historical News 35, no. 3 (2002): 9-15, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0190662.
Journal Articles biography history political science Post-Confederation Pre-Confederation
“The Banning of a Book in British Columbia,” BC Studies 1 (1969): 1-12, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/578/621.
“The Writing of Local History: A Review Article,” BC Studies 22 (1974): 71-75, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/805/848.
“Two B.C. Pacifists and the Boer War,” BC Studies 45 (1980): 116-127, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1049/1086.
“Joseph Irwin - a Postscript,” Okanagan History no. 62 (1998): 54-56, https://bcrdh.ca/islandora/object/ohs%3A11280.
Journal Articles biography education history Post-Confederation
“Salmon Arm Elementary School 1989-1998,” Okanagan History no. 62 (1998): 57-66, https://bcrdh.ca/islandora/object/ohs%3A11280.
“Researching Pioneer Family History,” Shale: Journal of the Gabriola Historical and Museum Society no. 3 (2002): 4-6.
“The Anticipated Impacts of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative on Coast Salish Communities.” MA. Western Washington University, 2009.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects Indigenous tourism
“A different angle: Exploring gender and socialization through recreation specialization among fly fishers in northern British Columbia.” MA. University of Northern British Columbia, 2021. https://unbc.arcabc.ca/islandora/object/unbc:59139.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects environmental studies gender
Charlo's people: the Flatland tribe. Good medicine series no. 10, Invermere: Good Medicine Books, 1974. 64 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books history Indigenous Post-Confederation Pre-Confederation
Good medicine traditional dress issues; knowledge and methods of old-time clothings. Good Medicine series, no. 3, Golden: Good Medicine Books, 1971. 64 pp.
Legends told by the old people. Good medicine series no. 7, Invermere: Good Medicine Books, 1972. 61 pp.
Rails in the Canadian Rockies. 2nd ed, Invermere, BC: Good Medicine Books, 1980. 368 pp. 0-920698-34-4.
Teachings of nature. Good medicine series no. 14, Invermere: Good Medicine Books, 1975. 60 pp.
“We Are All Different, Still Living Under the Same Culture’: A Kwakwaka’Wakw Perspective on Dispute Resolution and Relationship Building.” MA. University of Victoria, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1828/679.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects Indigenous social work
MuseNews. (2020)
Audiovisual Materials colonialism history Indigenous race and racism
Peake's Folly. Victoria: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 2003. 45 pp. 0888852088.
Dialogue and Divergence: Art of the Northwest Coast. Kleinburg: McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 2004. 32 pp. 0779462599.
“From the hill: a realtor talks about real estate,” Vancouver 17, no. 7 (1981): 77-78.
“Sustainability in Higher Education: A Case Study of Policy and Practice at Vancouver Island University.” EdD. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2014.
“Riding on Fate,” British Columbia Forest History Newsletter 51 (1997): 1-4.
“Aboriginal Healing: Regaining Balance and Culture,” Journal of Transcultural Nursing 17, no. 1 (2006): 13-22.
“Coast Defense in British Columbia, 1939-1941: Attitudes & Realities,” BC Studies 28 (1976): 3-28, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/issue/view/148.
Red Blood: One (Mostly) White Guy's Encounter with the Native World. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1999. 288 pp.
To save a whale: the voyages of Greenpeace. North Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 1978. 144 pp. 0-88894-188-9.
“Pioneer Ships of British Columbia,” Canadian West 12 (1988): 55-61.
“Crinoline Cargo,” Beaver 87, no. 6 (2007): 39-42.