We acknowledge that we live and work on unceded Indigenous territories and we thank the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations for their hospitality.


Results (11937)

Campbell, Shirley. Our Fair: The Interior Provincial Exhibition, Its First 100 Years. Armstrong: Spallumacheen Museum Arts Society, 1999. 175 pp.

Books and Chapters in Books history

Canada, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Nuclear power for Vancouver Island. 2d ed, Ottawa: 1972. 36 pp.

Grey Literature energy

Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. Chief & councillors, band administration offices, band staff, British Columbia region. Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, 1975. 7, 106 pp.

Grey Literature Indigenous

Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Parks Canada, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks. “A history of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks.” In Richard J. Caton, Ottawa: 1978. 59.

Grey Literature history

Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Parks Canada, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch. “Appendices to "The History of Fort Langley, 1827-96", Canadian Historic Sites no. 20.” In Mary Cullen, Ottawa: 1973. 309.

Grey Literature history

Canada, Dept. of Communications. Review of the procurement practices and policies and the intercorporate financial relationships of the B.C. Telephone Company. Gerard Pelletier, Minister of Communications, Ottawa: 1975. 45 pp.

Grey Literature communications

Canada, Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Atlas of Indian reserves & settlements of Canada 1971. Ottawa: 1971. unpaged pp.

Grey Literature geography Indigenous

Canada, Dept. of the Environment. List of theses and dissertations on Canadian geography. compiled by J. Keith Fraser and Mary C. Hynes (Geographical paper, no. 51),

Grey Literature geography

Canada, Dept. of the Environment, Fisheries Service, Pacific Region. British Columbia sport fisherman. Wm. F. Sinclair, Ottawa: 1972. 69 pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

Canada, Environment Canada, Canadian Forestry Service. Alternative methods for logging steep slopes in the Nelson forest district of British Columbia. by G. Vernon Wellbourn, Ottawa: 1975. 14 pp.

Grey Literature forestry

Canada, Environment Canada, Canadian Forestry Service. The Highland landscape — an ecological evaluation of and suitability for urban development in the southern portion of the Highland District, Capital Region of B.C.. by S. Eis & E.T. Oswald, Victoria: 1975. 36 pp.

Grey Literature forestry

Canada, Environment Canada, Forestry Service. Native vegetation in British Columbia's capital region. by R.G. McMinn, S. Eis, H.E. Hirvonen, E.T. Oswald, J.P Senyk, Ottawa: 1977. 20 pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

Canada, Environment Canada, Lands Directorate. The urbanization of the Strait of Georgia region; a study of the impact of urbanization on the natural resources of southwestern British Columbia. by Edward M. Gibson, Ottawa: 1976. 63 pp.

Grey Literature geography

Canada, Environment Canada, Regional Board, Pacific Region. The Nanaimo river estuary status of environmental knowledge to 1976. report of the Estuary Working Group…by Leonard M. Bell & K.J. Kallman (Special estuary series no. 5), Ottawa: 1976. 298 pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

Canada, Environment Canada, Regional Board, Pacific Region. The Skeena river estuary: state of environmental knowledge to 1975. report of the Estuary Working Group…by Lindsay M. Hoos, Ottawa: 1975. 418 pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

Canada, Ministry of Indian and Northern Affairs, Parks Canada, Western Region. Kicking Horse chronicle. Ottawa: 1979. 4 pp.

Grey Literature Indigenous

Canada, Ministry of State, Urban Affairs. Profile: Vancouver: the political and administrative structures of the metropolitan region of Vancouver. by Andre Bernard, Jacques Leveille, Guy Lord, Ottawa: 1975. 131 pp.

Grey Literature political science

Canada, National Gallery. W.G.R. Hind. by J. Russell Harper, Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1976. 91 pp. 0-88884-273-2.

Grey Literature visual arts

Canada, National Museum of Man. Bibliography for the study of British Columbia's domestic material history. by Virginia Careless, Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, 1976. 73 pp.

Grey Literature history

Canada, National Museum of Man. The excavation of water-saturated archaeological sites (wet sites) on the Northwest Coast of America. edited by Dale R. Croes, Ottawa: 1976. 351 pp.

Grey Literature archaeology Indigenous

Canada, National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Man. “Skeletal variability in British Columbia coastal populations: descriptive and comparative assessment of cranial morphology.” In Jerome S. Cybulski, Ottawa: 1975. 319.

Grey Literature archaeology Indigenous

Canada, Permanent Committee on Geographical Names. Gazetteer of Canada: British Columbia cumulative supplement, additions and corrections to 31 Dec. 1974. Ottawa: 1974. 119 pp.

Grey Literature geography