“Remembering 'The Forgotten Games': A Reinterpretation of the 1954 British Empire and Commonwealth Games,” Sport History Review 40, no. 2 (2009): 111-25.
Results (11937)
“He’s Not Heavy, He’s My Brother,” British Columbia History 4, no. 50 (2017): 5–10.
“The Spallumcheen Indian Band By-Law and its potential impact on Native Indian child welfare policy in British Columbia,” Canadian Journal of Family Law 4, no. 1 (1983): 75-95.
Chances and Choices: A Memoir. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Alumni Association, 212 pp. 0888655363.
“The Lower Mainland’s First Settler-Built Trail,” British Columbia History 45, no. 4 (2012): 9.
“Sources of Electoral Support for Provincial Political Parties in Urban British Columbia,” BC Studies 15 (1972): 40-52, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/755/797.
“Looking for Snob Hill and Sqéwqel: Exploring the Changing Histories of Aboriginality and Community in Two Aboriginal Communities.” MA. University of Saskatchewan, 2009.
“(Re)discovering Desolation Sound,” Pacific Yachting 51, no. 8 (2009): 24-29.
“The educational impact of the Covid-19 rapid response on teachers, students, and families: Insights from British Columbia, Canada,” PROSPECTS (2021): http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11125-020-09527-5.
“Child Protection Law in British Columbia: A Rights-Based Analysis.” MSW. University of Northern British Columbia, 2004. https://doi.org/10.24124/2004/bpgub308.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects law social work young people
“A critical growth cycle for Vancouver, 1900-1914.” In The Canadian City: Essays in Urban History. Gilbert A. Stelter & Alan F. J. Artibise, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1977. 142-159 pp.
“A Critical Growth Cycle for Vancouver, 1900-1914,” BC Studies 17 (1973): 26-42, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/769/811.
“The Canadian Pacific Railway and Vancouver's Development to 1900,” BC Studies 35 (1977): 3-35, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/936/973.
Distant Neighbours: A Comparative History of Seattle and Vancouver. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1988. 292 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books history Post-Confederation Pre-Confederation
“Sustainable Transportation and Land Use Planning at Simon Fraser University: A case study of the Burnaby Mountain Campus.” MRM thesis. Simon Fraser University, 2000. https://bac-lac.on.worldcat.org/oclc/1006917113.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects resource and environmental management
Salmonbellies vs. the World: The Story of Lacrosse’s Most Famous Team & Their Greatest Opponents.. Halfmoon Bay, BC: Caitlin Press, 2013. 256 pp. 9781927575260 (pbk).
At sea and by land: the reminiscences of William Balfour MacDonald. S. W. Jackman, ed, Victoria: Sono Nis Press, 1983. 154 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books biography history Post-Confederation
“The Residential School Experience: Residual Effects upon First Nations Students in Their Understanding and Mastery of Tasks within the Mathematics Curriculum.” MTM. Concordia University, 2007.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects education Indigenous
“Just have this come from their prescription pad: the medicalization of safer supply from the perspectives of health planners in BC, Canada,” Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy (2023): 1-11, https://doi.org/10.1080/09687637.2023.2283383 ; http://10.1080/09687637.2023.2283383 .
Decriminalization of Currently Illegal Drugs in British Columbia (BC): An Evidence Brief. Victoria: Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, University of Victoria, 2024. https://www.uvic.ca/research/centres/cisur/assets/docs/colab/decrim-evidence-brief.pdf.
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“Making Nautical History in British Columbia,” British Columbia History 2, no. 48 (2015): 21-27.
“Number 3 Company (The Saanich Rangers) of the Pacific Coast Militia Rangers,” British Columbia History 3, no. 51 (2018): 20-22.
“The Orgins of the Highway: The Malahat,” British Columbia History 2, no. 52 (2019): 13-16.
“Unwanted, But Much Loved: Preserving and Presenting the Tilikum in Victoria,” British Columbia History 2, no. 51 (2018): 21-25.
“Museums, collections, and their primary users in a community setting,” Museum Round Up 91 (1984): 18-21.
Vancouver Island and British Columbia, their history, resources and prospects. Reprint of 1865 edition, Toronto: Coles Pub. Co, 1972. 594 pp.
Captain Alex MacLean: Jack London’s Sea Wolf. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008. 376 pp. 9780774814713.
Books and Chapters in Books biography environmental studies history
“Review Essay - Reflections on "Oasis": Representing Kelowna, 1905-2005,” BC Studies 148 (2006): 93-101, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1775/1821.
“Sex workers’ experiences and occupational conditions post-implementation of end-demand criminalization in Metro Vancouver, Canada,” Canadian Journal of Public Health (2019):