“Women’s Health in Northern British Columbia: The Role of Geography and Gender,” Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine 10, no. 4 (2005): 241-253.
Results (11937)
Free Magic Secrets Revealed.. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2013. 256 pp. 9781550176070 (pbk).
Never Shoot a Stampede Queen: A Rookie Reporter in the Cariboo. Victoria: Heritage House, 2008. 221 pp. 9781894974523.
The Killer Whale Who Changed the World. Vancouver: Greystone Books; David Suzuki Institute, 2016. 208 pp. 9781771641937 (hc).
“Kulhulmcilh and iixsalh: our land and medicine: creating a Nuxalk database of museum collections.” MA. University of British Columbia, 2018.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects Indigenous museology
“Capt. Harry Crosby…Puget Sound's energetic ferryboat operator,” Sea Chest 12, no. 1 (1978): 27-34.
“Commercially Hot,” The Alumni UBC Chronicle 45, no. 3 (1988): 9-11, https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0224350.
“My Vancouver, My Life,” Vancouver 25, no. 12 (1992): 68-71, 73, 75, 77.
“An Organizational Structure Analysis for BC Hydro, Power Smart.” MBA. Simon Fraser University, 2006.
One union in wood: a history of the International Woodworkers of America. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 1982. 200 pp.
“Wine consumers in British Columbia, Canada: Towards understanding how Millennials differ from previous generations,” International Journal of Wine Business Research (2020): https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJWBR-07-2019-0043/full/html.
“Bittersweet Memories: Narratives of Japanese Canadian Children’s Experiences before the Second World War and the Politics of Redress,” BC Studies 192 (2017): 71-104, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/187920/186364.
“New Buildings, Old Values: Vancouver's Recent Landmarks,” Heritage Canada 1, no. 2 (1998): 10-13.
Bob Lenarduzzi: A Canadian Soccer Story. Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing, 2011. 224 pp. 9781550175462 (pbk).
“Calibrated Radiocarbon Dates and Culture Change: Implications For Socio-Complexity in the Mid-Fraser Region, British Columbia,” Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 35 (2001): 211-228.
“Coast Salish Household and Community Organizations at Sxwóxwiymelh: An Ancient Stó:l? Village in the Upper Fraser Valley, British Columbia.” PhD. University of California, Los Angeles, 2007.
Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects archaeology Indigenous
“Sxwóxwiymelh: Excavations at the Katz Site in Summer 2005,” The Midden 38, no. 3 (2006): 5-11.
“Employers' perspective on workplace health promotion programs in British Columbia, Canada.” MSc. University of British Columbia, 2018.
Pioneer Jewish merchants of Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Vancouver: Jewish Historical Society of British Columbia, 1981. 23 pp.
A Fostered Dream: The Lure of the Peace River Country 1872-1914. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1992.
The Lure of the Peace River Country 1872-1914, a Fostered Dream. Calgary: Detselig, 1992. 191 pp.
Books and Chapters in Books biography history Post-Confederation
“"So Much Bumph": CPR Terminus Travails at Vancouver, 1884-89,” BC Studies 166 (2010): 7-38, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/298/1873.
“Railroading a Renegade: Great Northern Ousts John Hendry in Vancouver,” BC Studies 155 (2007): 69-92, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/629/672.
“Grand Trunk Pacific and the Establishment of the City of Prince George, 1911-1915,” BC Studies 63 (1984): 29-54, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1190/1234.
“"To Injure Its Own Interests": The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company and the Blighting of Hazelton District, 1910-1918,” BC Studies 88 (1991): 21-57, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1371/1413.
“A Closed Book': The Canadian Pacific Railway Survey and North Central British Columbia,” Western Geography 12 (2002): 163-184, http://www.geog.uvic.ca/wcag/publications.htm.
“High Finance and Low Modernism: The Failure of the Wenner-Gren British Columbia Project, 1956-61,” BC Studies 210 (2021): 45-71, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/193339 ; https://doi.org/10.14288/bcs.vi210.193339 .
“‘Diplomatic Forces of the New Railroad’: Transcontinental Terminus Entry at Vancouver and Seattle,” Journal of Transport History 28, no. 1 (2007): 21-58.
“The Phonological Representation and Distribution of Vowel in SENĆOTEN (Saanich).” PhD. University of Victoria, 2019. https://dspace.library.uvic.ca//handle/1828/10563.