Conserving Old Growth Forests in BC: Implementation of Old-Growth Retention Objectives under FRPA: Special Investigation. Victoria, BC: Forest Practices Board, 2012. 32 pp.
Results (11937)
A comprehensive social housing policy for British Columbia. Dallard Runge, study director, Victoria: 1975. 457 pp.
Quality Assurance Framework Workbook: Consultation Guide for Stakeholders. Victoria, BC: Ministry of Advanced Education, 2012. 13 pp.
A study of the ocean industry in British Columbia. by the Dalcour Group, Victoria: 1978. 110 pp.
British Columbia regional index. Victoria: 1986. 435 pp.
Evaluation of coke manufacture in British Columbia. by H.N. Halvorson Consultants Ltd., Victoria: 1976. 74 pp.
A study of options for railroad access to the Peace River coal fields; final report. by Swan Wooster Engineering Co., revised edition, Victoria: 1977.
Report of the Distance Education Planning Group on a delivery system for distance education in British Columbia. revised edition, Victoria: 1978. 123 pp.
Mobilizing for educational access: chiefly concerning the establishment of an open learning institute in British Columbia. text of an address by Education Minister Dr. Pat McGeer to a Conference of the B.C. Continuing Education Administrators in Vancouver on April 28, 1978, Victoria: 1978. 13 pp.
British Columbia Social Studies assessment. Victoria: 1977.
An energy secure British Columbia; the challenge and the opportunity. Victoria: 1980. 26 pp.
British Columbia energy supply and requirements forecast, 1984-2005. Victoria: the Ministry, Publications Section, 1986. 170 pp.
Coal in British Columbia. Victoria: the Ministry, Publications Section, 1986. 244 pp.
Assessment of the impact of the Kemano II proposal on the fish and wildlife resources of the Naniko-Kidprice and Morice systems. based on fieldwork partially funded by British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, Victoria: 1979.
Five year forest and range resource program, 1987-1992. Victoria: the Ministry, Publications Section, 1987. 15 pp.
Ecology and management of the grasslands and forested rangelands of interior British Columbia: an annotated bibliography. by Dr. R.M. Strang. Revised ed., Victoria: 1980. 129 pp.
Innovation & Change Agenda: Detailed 2010-2013 Health Systems Strategy Map. Victoria, BC: Ministry of Health, 2012. 7 pp.
British Columbia’s Technology Strategy: Building B.C.’s Economy. Victoria, BC: Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, 2012. 28 pp.
Apprenticeship, doorway to opportunity: a guide to apprenticeship training in British Columbia. Burnaby: 1978. 44 pp.
Mission, goals, and objectives, 1986-1991: integrated five-year planning or British Columbia college and institute system. Victoria: 1986. 12 pp.
Journals of the Colonial Legislatures of the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1851-1871. James E. Hendrickson, Victoria: 1980.
Railroaders' recollections from the steam era in British Columbia. Robert D. Turner, Victoria: 1981. 92 pp.
Evaluation of the interpretation and information program. by Michael P. Collins, Victoria: 1978. 163 pp.
First four interim reports of the Advisory Committee on the Control of Eurasian Water Milfoil in the Okanagan Lake System of British Columbia. Victoria: 1978. 84 pp.
“Coquitlam River water management study.” In Victoria: 1978.
Grey Literature environmental studies resource and environmental management
Kootenay air and water quality study, Phase II, air quality in the Elkford-Sparwood-Fernie area. Victoria: 1978. 93 pp.
Land of the Thompson. Victoria: 1978. 36 pp.
Okanagan-Similkameen. Victoria: 1978. 36 pp.
An earlier population of Hesquiat Harbour, British Columbia. by Jerome S. Cybulski, Victoria: 1978. 80 pp.
“An earlier population of Hesquiat Harbour, British Columbia: a contribution to Nootkan osteology and physical anthropology.” In Jerome S. Cybulski; Cultural Recovery Papers no. 1; Physical Anthropology Contribution no. 1 of the Hesquiat Cultural Committee, Victoria: B.C. Provincial Museum, 1978. 82.