We acknowledge that we live and work on unceded Indigenous territories and we thank the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations for their hospitality.


Results (11937)

British Columbia, Dept. of Economic Development. Directory of importers and manufacturers' agents in Greater Vancouver, 1975. Victoria: 1975. 49 pp.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Dept. of Economic Development. Interim planning agreement: a summary report of development possibilities in the central region of British Columbia. Victoria: 1976. 174 pp.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Dept. of Economic Development. Interim planning agreement: a summary report of development possibilities in the mid-coast, northern Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Islands region of British Columbia. Victoria: 1976. 175 pp.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Dept. of Economic Development. Interim planning agreement: a summary report on development possibilities in the north-east region of British Columbia. Victoria: 1975. 125 pp.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Dept. of Education, Educational Programmes — Schools, Curriculum Development Branch. Resource guide for women's studies for high school students. Victoria: 1976. 89 pp.

Grey Literature education gender

British Columbia, Dept. of Finance. Quarterly British Columbia financial report, six months, April-September, 1976. Victoria: 1976. 23 pp.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Dept. of Human Resources. An assessment of family needs in British Columbia. Victoria: 1976. 151 pp.

Grey Literature social work

British Columbia, Dept. of Industrial Development, Trade & Commerce. The Lillooet-Nicola region; a British Columbia regional economic study. Victoria: 1972. 163 pp.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Dept. of Industrial Development, Trade & Commerce. The Pacific rim; an evaluation of British Columbia trade opportunities. Victoria: 1972. 100 pp.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Dept. of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce. Employment and investment in British Columbia government approved tourist accommodation. a report prepared by the Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce in co-operation with the Department of Travel Industry, Victoria: 1973. 33 pp.

Grey Literature tourism

British Columbia, Dept. of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce.

British Columbia, Dept. of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce, Economic and Statistics Branch. British Columbia's trade prospects with the new European Economic Community. Victoria: 1973. 13 pp.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources, Lands Service, University Endowment Lands. University Endowment Lands land use code. Victoria: 1972. 15 pp.

Grey Literature planning

British Columbia, Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources, Water Resources Service, Pollution Control Branch. Public inquiry into waste discharges from the food processing, agriculturally oriented and other miscellaneous industries…November…1972. Victoria: 1972. 8 v pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

British Columbia, Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources, Water Resources Service, Pollution Control Branch. Report on pollution control objectives for the forest products industry of British Columbia as a result of a public inquiry held by the director of the Pollution Control Branch. Victoria: 1972. 25 pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

British Columbia, Dept. of Municpal Affairs, Environment Management. Regional District of Mount Waddington: regional plan 1972; phase one. Victoria: 1972. 29 pp.

Grey Literature planning

British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation and Conservation. Fish and wildlife, the recreational resources. by R. L. Cameron. 2d ed, Victoria: 1972. 96 pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation and Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Branch. Value of resident hunting in British Columbia Study report no. 6 on the economics of wildlife and recreation. Victoria: 1972. 58 pp.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation and Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Fish Habitat Protection Section. Effects on fish in Kootenay River of construction of Libby Dam. by M. R. Whately (Fisheries Management report no. 65), Victoria: 1972. 59 pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation and Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Habitat Protection Section. Mercury contamination of fish from Pinchi Lake, B.C.. by D.S. Reid & R.L. Morley, Victoria: 1975. 18 pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation and Conservation, Provinical Parks Branch. Natural resources and recreation in Garibaldi Park 1972. by Gordon C. D. Eekman, Vancouver: 1972. 82 pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation and Travel Industry, Parks Branch, Planning Division. Barkerville Historic Park: visitor use study. by Michael P. Collins, Victoria: 1976. 93 pp.

Grey Literature tourism

British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation and Travel Industry, Provincial Parks Branch. A guide to British Columbia stop-of-interest plaques. revised edition, Victoria: 1976. 27 pp.

Grey Literature tourism

British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation and Travel Industry, Research Branch. British Columbia tourism fact book, 1975. Victoria: 1975. 133 pp.

Grey Literature tourism

British Columbia, Dept. of the Environment. Saltspring Island: a landscape analysis. by H.E. Hirvonen, J.P. Selyk, and E.T. Oswald, Victoria: Pacific Forest Research Centre, 1974. 54 pp.

Grey Literature environmental studies

British Columbia, Executive Papers. Towards an economic strategy for Canada; the British Columbia position. by Premier William R. Bennett, Victoria: Ministry of Economic Development, 1978. 44 pp.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Executive Papers. “The non-tariff barrier codes in the multilateral trade negotiatons.” In western provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Victoria: 1978. 24.

Grey Literature economics/business

British Columbia, Executive Papers. “Western trade objectives.” In governments of British Coumbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, Victoria: 1978. 24.

Grey Literature economics/business