Directory of importers and manufacturers' agents in Greater Vancouver, 1975. Victoria: 1975. 49 pp.
Results (11937)
Interim planning agreement: a summary report of development possibilities in the central region of British Columbia. Victoria: 1976. 174 pp.
Interim planning agreement: a summary report of development possibilities in the mid-coast, northern Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Islands region of British Columbia. Victoria: 1976. 175 pp.
Interim planning agreement: a summary report on development possibilities in the north-east region of British Columbia. Victoria: 1975. 125 pp.
Resource guide for women's studies for high school students. Victoria: 1976. 89 pp.
Quarterly British Columbia financial report, six months, April-September, 1976. Victoria: 1976. 23 pp.
An assessment of family needs in British Columbia. Victoria: 1976. 151 pp.
The Lillooet-Nicola region; a British Columbia regional economic study. Victoria: 1972. 163 pp.
The Pacific rim; an evaluation of British Columbia trade opportunities. Victoria: 1972. 100 pp.
The sawmilling industry of British Columbia. Victoria: 1972. 75 pp.
Employment and investment in British Columbia government approved tourist accommodation. a report prepared by the Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce in co-operation with the Department of Travel Industry, Victoria: 1973. 33 pp.
British Columbia's trade prospects with the new European Economic Community. Victoria: 1973. 13 pp.
University Endowment Lands land use code. Victoria: 1972. 15 pp.
Public inquiry into waste discharges from the food processing, agriculturally oriented and other miscellaneous industries…November…1972. Victoria: 1972. 8 v pp.
Report on pollution control objectives for the forest products industry of British Columbia as a result of a public inquiry held by the director of the Pollution Control Branch. Victoria: 1972. 25 pp.
Regional District of Mount Waddington: regional plan 1972; phase one. Victoria: 1972. 29 pp.
Fish and wildlife, the recreational resources. by R. L. Cameron. 2d ed, Victoria: 1972. 96 pp.
Value of resident hunting in British Columbia Study report no. 6 on the economics of wildlife and recreation. Victoria: 1972. 58 pp.
Effects on fish in Kootenay River of construction of Libby Dam. by M. R. Whately (Fisheries Management report no. 65), Victoria: 1972. 59 pp.
Mercury contamination of fish from Pinchi Lake, B.C.. by D.S. Reid & R.L. Morley, Victoria: 1975. 18 pp.
Natural resources and recreation in Garibaldi Park 1972. by Gordon C. D. Eekman, Vancouver: 1972. 82 pp.
Barkerville Historic Park: visitor use study. by Michael P. Collins, Victoria: 1976. 93 pp.
A guide to British Columbia stop-of-interest plaques. revised edition, Victoria: 1976. 27 pp.
British Columbia tourism fact book, 1975. Victoria: 1975. 133 pp.
Saltspring Island: a landscape analysis. by H.E. Hirvonen, J.P. Selyk, and E.T. Oswald, Victoria: Pacific Forest Research Centre, 1974. 54 pp.
“Tsitika watershed integrated resource plan.” In Tsitika Planning Committee, Victoria: 1978.
Grey Literature environmental studies resource and environmental management
Towards an economic strategy for Canada; the British Columbia position. by Premier William R. Bennett, Victoria: Ministry of Economic Development, 1978. 44 pp.
“The non-tariff barrier codes in the multilateral trade negotiatons.” In western provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Victoria: 1978. 24.
“Western trade objectives.” In governments of British Coumbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, Victoria: 1978. 24.