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Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects energy environmental studies
“Ware's Waldo: Hydroelectric Development and the Creation of the Other in British Columbia.” In Sustaining the West: Cultural Responses to Canadian Environmentsed. Liza Piper and Lisa Szabo-Jones. 303-24. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015.
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Theses Dissertations and Graduate Projects energy history Post-Confederation
Station Normal: The Power of the Stave River. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 2001. 120 pp. 1550549324.
Books and Chapters in Books energy history Post-Confederation
“Hat Creek socio-economic studies.” In Vancouver: British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, 1982.
“Electrification of road freight transport: Policy implications in British Columbia,” Energy Policy 115 (2018): 109-118.
“Bylaws and Setbacks: The Oil Industry and Local Government in British Columbia,” BC Studies 9 (1971): 3-14, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/687/734.
Journal Articles economics/business energy political science
“Assessing the Impact of Hydro Development: A Case Study of the Columbia River Basin in British Columbia,” BC Studies 114 (1997): 5-30, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1710/1756.
“W.A.C. Bennett and Province-Building in British Columbia,” BC Studies 85 (1990): 45-61, https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1346/1389.
Journal Articles economics/business energy political science
“Transformative change: energy-efficiency and social housing retrofits in Canadian cities,” Urban Research & Practice 3, no. 11 (2018): 263-274.
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“Pipelines, First Nations and reconciliation: Another view” Context Magazine by CAPP, (2020) https://context.capp.ca:443/interviews/2020/podcast_crystal-smith-of-the-haisla-first-nation-on-lng-and-pipelines.
Audiovisual Materials energy environmental studies Indigenous pipelines
“Pipelines, First Nations and reconciliation: Another view” Context Magazine by CAPP. (2020) (includes an interview with Crystal Smith), https://context.capp.ca:443/interviews/2020/podcast_crystal-smith-of-the-haisla-first-nation-on-lng-and-pipelines.
Audiovisual Materials energy environmental studies Indigenous pipelines