We acknowledge that we live and work on unceded Indigenous territories and we thank the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations for their hospitality.

BC Studies no. 140 Winter 2003-2004

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BC Studies no. 140 Winter 2003-2004

Domestic Spaces guest edited by Kathy Mezei.

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The House of All Sorts: Domestic Spaces in British Columbia

By https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/view/1685/1732

audio articles

Living on Display: Colonial Visions of Aboriginal Domestic SpacesOJS Link Icon

By Paige Raibmon

“"Living on Display: Colonial Visions of Aboriginal Domestic Spaces" 140, Winter 2003/04.” BC Studies 40th Anniversary Audio Articles Raibmon, Paige
Audio Player

BC Studies no. 140 Winter 2003-2004  pp. 69-89


Dr. Sherry McKay is an Associate Professor of Architectural History and Theory at the School of Architecture, University of British Columbia. Her publications include: “Dream Homes,”Dream Home, work by René van Halm (2002); “Architectural Negotiations of the Pacific Rim,” Bulletin de l’Institute Pierre Renouvin (2000); “Unveiled Borders: Le Corbusier and Algiers in the 1930s,” L’Image (2000); “‘Mediterraneanism’: The Politics of Architectural Production in Algiers,” City and Society (2000). Cultural Continuity, Technological Transformation: KST, a case study. (Exhibition and catalogue,: Vancouver 2000); Assembling Utopia: packaging the home (Exhibition and catalogue: Vancouver 1999. Tokyo 2000).

Aaron Wilson has been a social worker for 15 years. He is a member of the Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Professionals. He currently works in the field of vocational rehabilitation for persons with disabilities. Mr. Wilson recently graduated with a Master of Arts degree in Liberal Studies from Simon Fraser University. Previously, he had earned an honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from Augustana University in Alberta.

Paige Raibmon is assistant professor of history at Simon Fraser University. Her research deals with First Nations and colonialism on the Northwest Coast. Her study of Aboriginal people, colonialism and notions of authenticity on the Northwest Coast is forthcoming with Duke University Press.

Dara Culhane is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Simon Fraser University. She is Principal Investigator for the Health & Home Research Project, an ethnographic study of the relationships between health and housing among low income women in Downtown Eastside Vancouver. With Leslie Robertson, she is co-editor of a forthcoming collection of women’s life stories entitled In Plain Sight: reflections on everyday life in Downtown Eastside Vancouver. Talonbooks 2004.

Geraldine Pratt is a Professor of Geography at the University of British Columbia. She is editor of Society and Space, co-editor of The Dictionary of Human Geography 4th Edn (Blackwell, 2000) and author of Working Feminism(Temple University Press, 2004).

Kathy Mezei has a joint appointment in the Humanities and English Departments at SFU. Recent publications in domestic space include: With Chiara Briganti, “Hante par les maisons:l’.espace domestique et roman domestique anglais,. Espaces domestiques, eds. Biatrice Collignon et Jean-Francois Staszak. Paris: Breal, 2003. Forthcoming; “Reading the House: a literary perspective,” Signs 27:3 (March 2002).837-846, and “She must be a very good novelist”: Rereading E.H. Young (1880-1949). English Studies in Canada 27:3 (2001).303-31. Along with Chiara Briganti, she edited a special forum in Signs on domestic space:Rethinking Domestic Space: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Home and Garden, Signs 27: 3 (March 2002).