By Jerry Wasserman

BC Studies no. 137 Spring 2003
To read the full issue online, visit our OJS site.
In This Issue
By George Belliveau
BC Studies no. 137 Spring 2003 pp. 93-106
“Vancouver’s First Playwright”: Constance Lindsay Skinner and The Birthright
By Jean Barman
BC Studies no. 137 Spring 2003 pp. 47-62
Shedding the Colonial Past: Rethinking British Columbia Theatre
By James Hoffman
BC Studies no. 137 Spring 2003 pp. 5-45
Carroll Aikins’s Experiments in Playwriting
By Patrick O'Neill
BC Studies no. 137 Spring 2003 pp. 65-91
From Emily Carr to Joy Coghill . . . and Back: Writing the Self in Song of This Place
By Sherrill Grace
BC Studies no. 137 Spring 2003 pp. 109-130
Jean Barman is a professor in the Department of Educational Studies at University of British Columbia and former co-editor of BC Studies. Constance Lindsay Skinner: Writing on the Frontier (Toronto: Univeristy of Toronto Press, 2002) was nominated for the Macdonald Prize for best book in Canadian history. Her most recent book is Sojourning Sisters: The Lives and Letters of Jessie and Annie McQueen (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003).
George Belliveau is assistant professor of education at the University of Prince Edward Island. He is a recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Theatre, Film and Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia. His dissertation focuses on Canadian Drama, in particular Sharon Pollock’s use of the memory play.
Sherril Grace is professor of English at the University of British Columbia, where she holds the Brenda and David McLean Chair in Canadian Studies, 2003-05. Her most recent books include Canada and the Idea of North (2002) and Performing National Identities: International Perspectives on Contemporary Canadian Theatre (2003)y co-edited with A.-R. Glaap. She is currently writing a biography of Canadian playwright Sharon Pollock.
James Hoffman is a professor of theatre at the University College of the Cariboo and author of The Ecstasy of Resistance, A Biography of George Ryga and co-editor of Playing the Pacific Province, An Anthology of British Columbia Plays, 1Ç67-2000.
Patrick B. O’Neill is a professor in the Department of Speech and Drama at Mount Saint Vincent University where he is currently serving as Director of Research and International Liaison Officer. He has published extensively on Canadian theatre history, and is now working on a history of theatre in Halifax.
Jerry Wasserman is professor of English and theatre at the University of British Columbia, and editor of Modern Canadian Plays, now in its fourth edition. He has published widely on Canadian theatre and has been a working actor in British Columbia for thirty years.
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