PHOTOSCAPE: Towards and Art History of Northwest Coast First Nations
By Ira Jacknis
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 47, 93, 137
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002
Dedicated to Aboriginal art and culture – from performance, oral narrative and storytelling to visual arts and written narrative – this issue features articles, colour photoscapes, review essays, and an interivew with Susan Point, Coast Salish Artist.
To read the full issue online, visit our OJS site.
In This Issue
PHOTOSCAPE: Towards and Art History of Northwest Coast First Nations
By Ira Jacknis
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 47, 93, 137
INTERVIEW: Pushing the Boundaries of Tradition in Art: An Interview with Susan Point
By Jan Hare
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 163-75
Adawx, Spanaxnox, and the Geopolitics of the Tsimshian
By Susan Marsden
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 101-135
Performing Musqueam Culture and History at British Columbia’s 1966 Centennial Celebrations
By Susan Roy
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 55-90
By Ira Jacknis
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 47-53, 93-100, 137-143
Back to the Future?: Modern Pioneers, Vanishing Cultures, and Nostalgic Pasts
By Paige Raibmon
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 187-93
Towards an Art History of Northwest Coast First Nations: A Review Essay of Recent Literature
By Ira Jacknis
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 187-95
Light at the Edge of the World: A Journey through the Realm of Vanishing Cultures
By Wade Davis
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 187- 93
Northwest Coast Indian Painting: House Fronts and Interior Screens
By Ira Jacknis
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 187-95
Performing Musqueam Culture and History at British Columbia’s 1966 Centennial Celebrations
By Susan Roy
BC Studies no. 135 Autumn 2002 pp. 55-90
Kim Greenwell is a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She completed her Master’s in Sociology at the University of British Columbia.
Blanca Schorcht holds a doctorate in Comparative Literature from the University of British Columbia. She has worked extensively with the ethnographer, Wendy Wickwire, on the transcription of oral stories told by the Okanagan storyteller, Harry Robinson and published as Write It On Your Heart (1989) and Nature Power (1992). She has also published a series of articles on the connections between oral and written traditions in Native literature, including “Western Fictions in Welch’s Fools Crow: Languages of Landscape and Culture,” and Green Grass, Running Water: Theorizing the World of the Novel,” and is currently working on a study of First Nations authors in Western Canada.. She teaches Canadian and First Nations literatures at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia.
Ira Jacknis is associate research anthropologist at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley. Among his scholarly interests are the arts of the Kwakwaka’wakw and other peoples of the Northwest Coast. He is the author of the recent book, The Storage Box of Tradition: Kwakiutl Art, Anthropologists, and Museums, 1881-1981 (Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 2002).
Cole Harris is an emeritus professor of geography at UBC and the author of many books and articles on early Canada, among them The Resettlement of British Columbia: Essays on colonialism and geographical change (1997) and Making Native Space: Colonialism Resistance and Reserves in British Columbia (2002) both published by UBC Press.
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